Thursday, October 21, 2010

Have a Heart

    It's been a good day.  But most are.
    Heard from Charlie, he can make it to the Tamale Supper on the 30th, and since I miss him like a Sister misses her brother, that made me very happy.  Also The Pappy, as my grandsons call my husband had the day off, and we were able to have a late lunch together after I taught my class......Yeah, about that class...
     American Heart Association released the new guidelines for performing CPR on Monday without telling their instructors what to do.  I phoned our training center all day on Monday, and there was no one their to answer my questions.  The voice mail for the training center was not working.  Meanwhile, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Fox in the Morning, CNN and every news media had received a release.  I was spending every minute on the net, reading all articles, and also searching the Instructor's Network of the AHA for some answers.  I was very clear on the method for the untrained rescuer, and for the lay person.  What had me stumped, was how to proceed with the healthcare provider CPR.  I could find no information.  I was stressing.
     Lucky for me, I didn't have any healthcare provider courses scheduled before this morning.  While waiting for the small class of three to arrive I signed onto the American Heart Association's and there was the information I really needed to teach my class that was beginning in 30 minutes.  I was able to do a quick study.  When my students arrived, I had the new information printed for them, and told them they were my practice class.  They seemed to like that idea.  Everything went very good, and we had a good class.
     I knew the AHA was changing the guidelines, but I didn't think it was happening until the meeting on November 12 in Chicago.  Maybe I'm a crybaby, ok, I am a crybaby, but don't you think the Instructors should have know this was changing?  When I did reach someone at my Training Center on the local level, I was read a note by the clerk that said to continue teaching without the updates.  She said we (the AHA instructors) would receive updates in the next two months via the training center here, and until that time we were continue to teach without the updates, and allow the updates to go in effect at the first of the year.
Oh yeah?  Then why?  Why? Why, did AHA put out a press release on October 18?  There is no way, I could not inform my students about the updates.  I would feel so guilty.  Instead, I'm just honest, and we will go over it with the updates.
     Here's the bad part.  I can either hang around and wait for my local training center to update me, which might be January or on November 12  drive to Chicago and for a mere $245 for the day, learn from the people who made the updates.  If I do the Chicago thing, I will be among the first group of instructors with the new updates.  I can probably buy my new video at that time, and there goes another $200.  Not as bad as I'm making it sound.  Who wants to go to Chicago with me?  I'm hoping The Pappy does.
     Had a great week last week.  Grandsons were here on fall break.  Toward the end of the week, I got this knot in the corner of my eye and my whole eye and nose swelled.  Went to the eye Doc, and it was a stye.   Just today have I felt good, and I still get a little tired.  Therefore, the last two days of vacation with the grandsons, I didn't get to do what I wanted.  But we did lot of things before it happened.  We were in the Halloween Parade,  went to a party at the Waterfront that the fire department was having, a chili cookoff at Phonix Hill, went to the Garvin Gate Blues Festival, ate out at Mark's Feed store and got Danny Mac's pizza, stayed all night at the Horseshoe Hotel where they swam in the pool, went shopping at Tuesday Morning and Target, and had several bingo games complete with prizes.  All and all, it was a wonderful week and I can never get enough of them.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, Monday

  Beautiful day in a beautiful city, even on Monday.
  I woke up early, after a fitful night of sleep.  Wishing the lonely feelings would lift for a little while.  Sometimes, the feelings do lift, but only for short periods.  The plus side is I have learned to deal with it all very effectively. 
  Now that I'm 50, I have started feeling kind of grown up, and I'm very happy with that fact.  Also, I'm very happy with my decision to start a blog.
  For years, I have kept journals and journals, all the time, worrying about what I was writing.  Would someone think my stories were about them when they were not? (that happened with a snooping ex who read uninvited)  Could feelings be hurt? Will people make fun of my fiction?  My grammar?  My views?......I now know the answer to all of these questions are "Yes". 
  Now comes the disclaimer of sorts.  The surgeon general states "You should only read this blog with respect to the Blogger."  Translation:  This one's for me.
   I want my Mommy!  That feeling never stops. Lost her when I was 25 and preg with Jordan.  She was only 51.  I hate, hate, hate hearing people complain about their mother.  I hate watching children disrespect their mothers.  I interfere too much because of this.  Correcting children that are not mine, admonishing friends and co workers when they say less than kind things about their mother.  Is this my business?  Of course it is not.  Still......
  Family situations, in my world are dicey.  Although the death of my mother played the major role in the distant placed between us all, the study of the history of my family shows in may be in the DNA.  Sometimes, I think we each think the other thinks we are inadequate.  I know I always feel as though I have disappointed them, and never made them proud of me.  I always feel as though I have something to make up for, but I'm never really clear on what that is.
  I love my life, even when it gets hard to breathe.  We all have adjustments to make as time goes on, and I have become very accustom to adjusting.
  My mind runs all the time, and I'm constantly thinking.  Very seldom am I just idling, but I really enjoy it when I am able.
  I use to consider myself a Christian, and I would like to keep that title.  I pray daily and often.  I use to attend church, but stopped going when my uncle was not allowed to become a Deacon because his wife, my aunt, had been married before.  25 years before.  For some reason the church considered him unworthy.
He is one of the most righteous men I have ever met.  I stopped going there after that.  Some months later, they voted to take me off the church rolls because I had missed too much.  Sent my uncle, the same man who couldn't be a deacon, to tell me.  Amazing, but fine by me.
 Still, I have considered myself a Christian.  I have tried to be Christ like.  My entire career has been devoted to helping and healing.  Although I do not attend church I still tithe and offer what I can to the people I meet that need help.  I am not perfect.  I am a sinner, and for that I always seek forgiveness.  I try for the Golden Rule, but realize that most times I will fall short. I believe the 10 commandments are more than just suggestions.  I like this method, and want to keep trying.
  Then, I encounter some "real" Christians.  The ones who go to church, insert "In Jesus's name" into everything, but haven't a clue to how to treat their fellow man.  Can't these Christians go to church and listen to the message?  And after listening to the message, shouldn't they at least be happy?  Why are you busy judging me?  My clothes, my car, whatever... Are you doing unto me as you would have me do unto you?  Really think about that for awhile. Proclaiming to be a Christian while openly treating others badly, does not make a strong point for Christ.   You may be the face your church does not want to show.
  All that being said, I seriously do consider myself a Christian.  I am a missionary in my own right, and very thankful for the multitude of blessings that has been my life.