Monday, November 15, 2010

Coming around again
  I have my mind wrapped around three people in my life and the people directly involved with those three people.
  The first person is a young husband and father of two, who is fighting for his life.  Only a little over a week ago, he was relatively healthy, and doing his best to get very fit.  Now, he will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks and has to be off work for a few months to finish his treatments.  I want to help him and his family anyway I can.  He is a very strong man, and his wife is a very strong woman, but I can only imagine that there is a breaking point.  I want to help, but I'm helpless.
  The second person is a child who is very ill.  This child is in the hospital and has been suffering, but tonight seems to be resting a little better.  Again, I wish I could help, but this one brings back some very tough memories.  Therefore, I shall never visit this child in the hospital, but I will provide any help I can to the family.
  The third person is involved in a relationship with someone who is mentally ill.   and does not seem to want to get better.  This is a tough one.  If this person was physically ill, every one would take pity.  Why?  I guess because we call all relate to physical illness, but not mental.  To this person, I want to say that I know it has to be tough, but you are doing a great job.  Continue to put every effort into making it work.  Even when you feel like giving up, don't.  You may have to try for a long time, and it may not work, but you have to try.  Although I wish I could help you, you know I can't. 
  My prayers for all of these people.  That I can do.

Boys in the trees.

  If any of you read this junk I write, you might have caught on that I title my blogs after songs.  This one is titled after a Carly Simon tune.  It's a great listen, so, I thought I would include a link  Now, onto my content.
  I have reconnected with a friend I never got over losing.  We have been apart for almost 5 years.  We have both had some major changes in our life, made some decisions, that in the past we would have discussed at length with each other.  With every thing that has happened to us both, we may never catch up.  I guess we don't have to, as we both seem satisfied skimming over the details, giving each other the "made for TV version" as opposed to the "feature length film" of what has gone down.
 The point being is that I have really missed him and never stopped thinking of the good times we had.  So, why did we ever let this happen?  It took some thought to remember, and when I remembered, it seemed so petty.  Most every time, when friends bickers, it's petty.  I'm glad that he walked back into my life.  My plans are for him to stay and I hope his are the same.
 My wonderful husband and I spent a couple of nights in Chicago this last weekend.  We were guests of my friend and his partner in their lovely home.  It was 6 star Hotel, that came complete with a fun dog and cat.  On Friday night, we enjoyed the Fountainhead Pub, and several "Half Acres" between the four of us, plus a delish meal.  Beautiful November night, so we walked to and from the pub.  I was a self appointed designated walker, so I kept everyone in check.
  On Saturday morning, when hubby was packing the last of the luggage into the car, I came down the front steps, but missed the last one.  This propelled me forward a high rate of speed.  Ok, it seemed like it was a high rate of speed at the time.  Anyway, I panicked, afraid I was going to fall into the street and get hit by the continuous traffic, so.....I headed for a little tree to break my speed.  It worked.  Husband looked up just in time to see all of the leaves shaking off the tree.  Even a little tree hurts when you slam your body into it. ( Insert thoughts of Sonny Bono here)  So, now I'm crippled a bit on the right and have some new beautiful veins that have popped out where the tree and calf met.  But all is good, and all is healing.  Feeling stronger every, since this happened in Chicago, I will finish this blog with one more little link with a perfect song.